The Poinsettia is the most widely tested consumer plant on the market today, proving the myth about the popular holiday plant to be false: Scientific research from The Ohio State University has proved the poinsettia to be non-toxic to both humans and pets. All parts of the plant were tested, including the leaves and sap. According to the national information center for poison control centers, a child would have to ingest 500 - 600 leaves in order to exceed the experimental doses that found no toxicity .
- A study by Children's Hospital in Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University found that out of 22,793 reported Poinsettia exposures there was essentially no toxicity significance of any kind. The study used national data collected by the American Association of Poison Control Centers.
-The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals reports that keeping this plant out of the reach of pets to avoid stomach upset is a good idea, however pet owners need not fear the poinsettia and banish it from their homes for fear of a fatal exposure.
-As with any non-food product, however, the poinsettia is not meant to be eaten and can cause varying degrees of discomfort; therefore, the plant should be kept out of the reach of young children and curious pets.
For information on caring for a poinsettia please call one of our friendly consultants at 314-965-8440. To make a purchase you can either call the same number our visit our website at Wishing you all a fantastic holiday.
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