Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Celebrating 60 Years

Just wanted to share this great article. Thanks to the Kirkwood Des Peres Area Chamber of Commerce for the great recognition. http://www.kirkwooddesperes.com/member-of-the-month.asp

Saturday, June 18, 2011

We've Gone Mobile.

Kirkwood Florist is very happy to announce that our website has now gone mobile. You can access our website from any mobile web browser. You can browse and shop for floral arrangements from anywhere now 24\7. For any occasion, you can view all of our categories. It's easy, quick, and safe.
There is a good chance you are already buying music, books, clothes, even dinner from your phone or tablet, now you can just as easily buy your flowers. Please visit www.kirkwoodflorist.com, try it from your mobile.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Caring for your Valentine Roses

As I'm sure you know, thousands of roses are sold every year on Valentines Day. Here are a few tips on taking care of them.

  • Valentine's DayIf your roses arrived in plastic water tubes, remove them before arranging.
  • Remove any leaves that will be under water, taking care not to cut through or scrape the green bark.
  • Recut stems by removing 1-2 inches with a sharp knife.
  • Immediately after cutting, place roses in a clean, deep vase of water containing a flower food provided by your florist.
  • Check the flower food solution daily and make sure to keep it full, clean, and fresh. If the solution becomes cloudy, replace it entirely.
  • Keep your roses in a cool place, out of direct sun and drafts.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

An easy free way to remember

Life is full of important days that I seemingly always forget. Being a florist it is easy for me to come home with an arrangement when I remember it is my wifes birthday or my anniversary. Not everyone has that luxury at their convenience, so to help, Kirkwood Florist is now offering a unique reminder service. Simply log on to www.MySpecialDates.com and enter code 63122-1 to create your free account. Just enter the dates of your special occasions and we'll send you timely reminders - by text, email, or voice mail. In addition to the free reminder we will send you great gift ideas. It's easy, convenient and best of all it is free. A free reminder service, now that is a good idea.